O'talkin' with Dave

MAKIN' GRAVY...Thank GOD for the GRAVY!!!

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Do you know someone who always dwells on WORST CASE SCENERIOS?  Yeah, me too...

I don't like spending a lot of time around negative people and I try to point out the positive in most situations.

Join Dave for some stuff on:

  • What is the PROBABILITY of WORST CASE SCENERIOS actually happening?
  • Why do some people dwell on WORST CASE SCENERIOS?
  • How can we FLIP our MINDSET on the NEGATIVE to POSITIVE?
  • What GOOD can come from enduring WORST CASE SCENERIO thinking?
  • How can we EXPECT positive outcomes while preparing for the WORST?

Chances are, the WORST CASE SCENERIO is not going to happen.  IF we prepare for it and it doesn't NOTICE AND THANK GOD FOR THE GRAVY!!!


Email David@Otalks.com or OWD@Otalks.com for comments, questions, or ideas for content on an upcoming O'talkin' with Dave podcast. Otalks.com

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