O'talkin' with Dave
Join Dave for positive and humorous insights into increasing your personal productivity, where he blends the art of storytelling, humor, and clever analogies to make the pursuit of productivity an enjoyable experience.
Each episode is approximately an hour-long casserole of laughter and learning, as we navigate the world of to-do lists, time management, and conflict management, and taking out the mental trash with a jovial twist.
O'talkin' with Dave
Whatcha MAD ABOUT?!?!
Have you noticed that people seem to get MAD quicker and more often? Yeah, me too...
Whether it is to get attention, provocation, or to just get their way, it seems that ANGER is the GO TO strategy.
Join Dave for some observations on:
- Why are people so MAD?
- What are they MAD about?
- Is ANGER a Strategy or a Reaction?
- When can getting MAD get things DONE?
Don't get MAD, get EVEN-TEMPERED...
Email David@Otalks.com or OWD@Otalks.com for comments, questions, or ideas for content on an upcoming O'talkin' with Dave podcast. Otalks.com
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